Manual-based Programs for Primary Care Practices, Healthcare Systems,

Primary/Secondary Schools, and Colleges/Universities

Help children, teens, & young adults develop coping skills for current challenges and those they will face throughout their lives. Adult (24+) manual available!

Important New Information for Colleges and Universities

elp College and University Students COPE

According to a new CDC Report, rates of suicidal ideation were highest among 18- to 24-year-olds. The report also found that the prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety quadrupled and tripled, respectively, compared to last year. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one in seven parents also report worsening of their children’s mental health.

Our evidence-based instructor delivered 7-Session manual-based program is designed to help children (ages 7 to 11), teens (ages 11 to 18), and young adults (ages 18 to 24) learn coping skills and includes developmentally-focused student manuals/workbooks.

More information below…

7-Session Manual-Based Program Package for Children, Teens, Young Adults, & Adults COST: $398.00

Through a series of brief, easy-to-follow sessions, complete with skills-building activities, the evidence-based COPE 7-Session programs convey that there is hope for change, and that both depression and anxiety are treatable. Each session is taught "from the student manual" by the instructor (all training is included) in one-on-one or group (classroom) sessions. Students in each age group utilize a different customized student manual/handbook. Manuals are sold separately for 23.00/each with a print-your-own option available. See what is included below.

The 7-Session program is designed for children (ages 7 to 11), teens (ages 11 to 18), young adults (ages 18 to 24), adults (24+). The programs can be purchased and delivered by a wide variety of professionals including teachers, nurses, doctors, psychologists, counselors, and social workers.

The instructor training is the same for all 7-Session Programs. Once completed the instructor can deliver the program skills to any of the age groups (ages 7-24) using the age-focused student manuals/workbooks.

7-Session Program Package: This program includes three student manuals/workbooks, a parent letter explaining the program, and a supplemental instructor guide. We also provide access to a networking forum of COPE instructors. The license to deliver the program is active for two years and can be renewed automatically by purchasing manuals on a regular basis or by paying $250.00 (often used by administrators). If you are ordering this for someone in your practice or school setting and you will not be the one delivering the program, we will need you to include the future COPE instructor’s name, email, and phone number on the order form.

Program Package Contents


15-Session Manual-Based Program Package for Teens Cost: $465.00

This manual-based cognitive-behavioral skills building (CBSB) healthy lifestyle intervention program for TEENs builds upon the skills learned in the 7-Session Program above by including sessions on healthy nutrition and physical activity. This is a very comprehensive and structured 15-week program that includes three student workbooks, a teacher handbook, program slides and four parent newsletters.

The 15-Session TEEN (Thinking, Emotions, Exercise, and Nutrition) program is designed for teens (ages 13-18 yrs) and can be integrated into a school health course or taught in group sessions within primary care or specialty care settings. The program can be purchased and delivered by a wide range of professionals including teachers, nurses, doctors, psychologists, counselors, social workers and after-school care workers. 

The instructor training for the 15-session is the same as the 7-session training. Once completed the instructor can deliver the program skills to the appropriate age group (ages 12-18) using the age-focused student manuals/workbooks (sold separately).

15-Session Program Package: This program package includes three student manuals/workbooks, an instructor handbook, a parent letter explaining the program, a supplemental guide, slide presentation, and four parent newsletters). License to deliver COPE is for two years and can be renewed automatically by purchasing manuals on a regular basis or by paying $250.00 (often used by administrators that are not longer delivering the program, but want to retain their license). If you are ordering this for someone in your practice or school setting and you will not be the one delivering the program, we will need you to include the future COPE instructor’s name, email, and phone number on the order form.

Program Package Contents


Parents, Providers and Schools:

COPE 7-Session Teen Online COST: $89.00

The COPE 7-session Teen Online program was designed to help teens (13 - 18 yrs old) dealing with anxiety, stress and depression by showing them how to develop the skills needed to stop negative thoughts and start thinking and behaving in more positive ways using a self-delivered format.

Thoughtfully designed graphics and easy-to-follow narration illustrate key points in each of the seven 20 to 30 minute sessions. Teens are encouraged to try out the principles presented and write down their own thoughts and reactions using the interactive component.

Each session takes about 20- to 30-minutes per week for seven weeks (2.5 - 3.5 hours to complete the entire 7-session program) and each session can be reviewed as many times as desired during the year-long subscription to reinforce the concepts.

The online, self-administered 7-session program is a self-help, cognitive-behavioral skills-building intervention educational program only and is not meant to diagnose or provide treatment for a particular disease or illness. The goal of this educational program is to teach children and teens how to recognize negative thought patterns, and provide cognitive behavioral skills and techniques that can be useful in modifying negative thinking.

Multiple Instructor Program Purchase Discount

We are now offering a 10% discount off the cost of five or more program packages when purchased at the same time.

  • All instructors must be from the same organization.

  • All programs must be purchased at the same time.

  • Please include the names and emails of each instructor trainee as we will have to send them their access code to register for the webinar.

Contact us for more information.

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