Remote/Telemedicine Manual-Based Program Delivery
COPE instructors are beginning to utilize Zoom and other conference/educational online software platforms to deliver their manual-based programs to their new patients and students in their homes.
New Program and Manual Delivery Options
The following additional resources and student manual delivery options are now available to help current and future COPE providers remotely deliver our programs:
Parent of student or patient can purchase manuals for shipment directly to their homes.
School or Provider can purchase for shipment to their school or facility to distribute to student or patient.
School or Provider can purchase for shipment to student’s or patient’s homes.
7-Session and 15-Session Slide presentations are now available.
In order to maintain the fidelity of the COPE programs, each student MUST receive their own student manual.
Contact us for more information. Find out more about manual-based programs by clicking here.
Online Teen Self-Delivered 7-Session Programs
COPE2Thrive also offers an online, self-delivered education version of our 7-session teen program that is designed for home-based instruction. Students and patients can take this program directly from home via any internet-connected device. The 7-week program teaches CBT-based coping skills to teens without the need for an instructor.
Through a series of brief, easy-to-follow sessions, complete with skills-building activities, the evidence-based COPE Programs convey that there is hope for change, and that both depression and anxiety are treatable. Our programs are being utilized by parents, teens, schools/districts, community counseling/wellness centers, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and medical centers across the country.
Telemedicine-Related Information and Resources
Sweeping Regulatory Changes to Help U.S. Healthcare System Address COVID-19 Patient Surge
Clinical Update: Telepsychiatry With Children and Adolescents
Summary of Feedback From Current Instructors Delivering COPE Using Remote Delivery
(Provided for Informational Purposes Only)
ZOOM appears to be the most commonly-mentioned remote delivery platform (we are not endorsing any specific platform).
Since the program is delivered from the book, students must have the hard-copy manuals in front of them when delivery begins. In addition to using the manuals to complete weekly homework assignments, many students take notes in the manuals during delivery to enhance learning and for reference after the program is completed. Some instructors ask students to put their names on the manuals to take ownership of the program and concepts.
Some healthcare providers bill exactly like the face-to-face sessions and some add statements such as: “This was a telehealth visit with patient consent conducted using synchronous video/audio technology during the COVID-19 outbreak. Patient was at home (or work, etc.) and provider was at office (home office, etc.).” Billing code utilized was 99214 for COPE Visits.
If you have any additional needs facilitating remote delivery of the COPE programs, or have experiences that you would like to share, please contact us.