Managing Holiday Stress and Anxiety
Helping Teens Cope With Holiday Anxiety and Depression
Holidays can be a difficult time of year for many teens and their families. Stress that's easily managed at other times of the year can become overwhelming . End-of-semester exams and pressure to get good grades, coupled with gift-buying dilemmas and stressful family get-togethers increase anxiety levels, making it difficult to cope.
The COPE Programs are based on a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-based skills-building approach that includes reducing negative thoughts, increasing healthy behaviors, and improving communications and problem-solving skills.
When a person learns to COPE in positive ways, the brain lays down new pathways, helping him or her grow new neuronal connections and deal with stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms in healthy ways.
By helping individuals change their thoughts from negative to positive, their feelings and behaviors naturally follow suit. Convincing teens that they can accomplish whatever it is that is important to them reinforces that what their mind believes they can achieve. COPE helps them face their fears and take control of their emotions.
Give the Gift of COPE for Only $79
For less than the cost of just one session with a therapist/counselor ($125-$150/session), the COPE 7-Session Teen Online Program (at only $79) provides 7-sessions of CBT-based education and skills-based activities to teens looking for help with managing stress and anxiety, delivered in the privacy of their home.
Parents: Are you looking for a holiday gift that could have a lasting positive impact on your teens life? Empower them with the skills and concepts they need to recognize and manage negative emotions and think in more positive ways.
Teens: Would you like to learn techniques to help you recognize and stop automatic negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts? Tell your parents about the COPE Online Program.
Our 7-Session Teen Online Educational Program is designed to be easily accessible from a computer, laptop, tablet or WiFi-connected smart phone.
COPE Teen Online
The COPE 7-session Teen Online program was designed to educate teens (13 - 18 yrs old) dealing with anxiety, stress and depression by showing them how to develop the skills needed to stop negative thoughts and start thinking and behaving in more positive ways.
Thoughtfully designed graphics and easy-to-follow narration illustrate key points in each of the seven 20- to 30-minute sessions, and teens are encouraged to try out the principles presented and write down their own thoughts and reactions using the interactive component.
Each session takes only about 20- to 30-minutes per week for seven weeks (2.5 - 3.5 hours to complete the entire 7-session program) and each session can be reviewed as many times as desired during the year-long subscription to reinforce the concepts.
The online, self-administered 7-session program is a self-help, cognitive-behavioral skills-building intervention educational program only and is not meant to diagnose or provide treatment for a particular disease or illness. The goal of this educational program is to teach children and teens how to recognize negative thought patterns, and provide cognitive behavioral skills and techniques that can be useful in modifying negative thinking.
Teachers, Nurses, Doctors, Psychologists, Counselors and Social Workers
Other Programs Available
We also offer manual-based, instructor-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-based skills-building intervention programs for:
children (ages 7 to 11 years old)
teens (ages 11 to 18 years old)
These can be delivered in primary care, school-based clinics and mental health settings in either brief 25- to 30-minute sessions or more traditional 50-minute class sessions by trained instructors who have completed our training.
For more information, click here.